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Journal information

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites (J REINF PLAST COMP )

Sage Publications Ltd., Londres


ISSN: 0731-6844

ISSN-L: 0731-6844

ISSN online: 1530-7964

Language: Inglés

Technical journal:

Indexed in WoS or Scopus:

Latindex: No

2022 3,100Q2 0,670Q1
2021 3,383Q2 0,675Q1
2020 3,710Q2 0,678Q1
2019 1,987Q2 0,672Q1
2018 1,786Q2-Q1
2017 1,471Q2-Q2
2016 1,086Q2-Q2
2015 0,901Q2--
2014 1,503Q2-Q1
2013 1,188Q2-Q2
2012 0,902Q2-Q2
2011 0,727Q2-Q2
2010 0,823---
2009 0,763---
2008 0,573---
2007 0,417---
2006 0,427---
2005 0,298---
2004 0,337---
2002 0,362---